Ask the ADHD Experts – ADHD Medications

ADHD Medications
Roundtable Discusscion

A panel of ADHD Experts discusses the various stimulant and non-stimulant medications for ADHD and the conditions under which medications should be prescribed. You will learn about stimulants, non-stimulants, and the ways to discern which medications to choose.  

You will learn about ADHD and Sleep and ADHD and Sleep Disorders.

 Recorded at the Annual Meeting of APSARD (American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders.)

Presented by Anthony Rostain, MD, MA, Chair (University of Pennsylvania);

David Goodman, MD (Johns Hopkins);

Mary Solanto, PhD (NYU Langone);

Lenard A. Adler, MD (NYU Langone);

Richard Gallagher, MD (NYU Langone),

and James McCracken, MD (UCLA). 

Host: Jonathan Marx, MBA, InQuill Medical Communications, LLC