Making the Diagnosis and Optimizing Treatment Part 1 – Making the Diagnosis

ADHD in Adults: Making the Diagnosis and Optimizing Treatment
Part 1: Making the Diagnosis
In this first of a two-part series on Diagnosing and Optimizing Treatment for ADHD, primary care clinicians will learn the appropriate prompts for ADHD screening, how to make a complete ADHD diagnosis and how to schedule and monitor the prescription of medication for ADHD symptom relief. Presented by a family physician who diagnoses and treats ADHD full-time, learners will walk away with confidence in handling ADHD as we currently do anxiety, depression, and associated medications.
This webcast was recorded live and is being used with the permission of the presenter.
At the conclusion of this CME Activity, primary healthcare professionals will be able to:
- Make available the 6-question ASRS screener for your offie patients, and know what next steps to take when someone screens positive for ADHD
- Use the ADH 18 symptom checklist and other prescribed methods for making a complete and thorough diagnosis of ADHD
- Know what comorbid conditions patients might have that can trigger a screen for underlying ADHD
- Prescribe medications for and ADHD trial treatment with confidence, and how to titrate those medications up to effective dosing.
- Set up an effective patient visit schedule to diagnose, treat and monitor ADHD in patients.
Presented by
Oren Mason, MD
Principal, Attention MD
Assistant Professor
Michigan State University
College of Human Medicine
Grand Rapids, Michigan