Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Adults with ADHD Part 1

Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Adults with ADHD – Part 1
In the 65-minute presentation by John Mitchell, Ph.D., you will learn the history of overall Behavior Therapy and the more specific development of Mindfulness-Based Therapy (MBT) for ADHD and other conditions. You will learn the evidence basis for the efficacy of MBT as a legitimate treatment choice in your toolkit for ADHD, derived from previous research. You will be exposed to the overall approach in introducing MBT to your ADHD patients, whether you choose to refer them to third-party programs or begin to deliver all or portions of this program yourself.
This webcast was recorded live and is being used with the permission of the presenter.
At the conclusion of this CME Activity, primary healthcare professionals will be able to:
- Describe the evolution of Mindfulness-Based Therapy (MBT) in waves of development in overall Behavior Therapy
- Share the evidence-basis and efficacy of MNT with fellow clinicians and patients
- Describe an MBT program to your ADHD patients, how it can help them, and refer them to outside programs as an adjunct to therapies used in your practice
Presented by
John Mitchell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Duke University Medical Center
Duke ADHD Program
Durham, North Carolina
Course Runs: Sept 1, 2020 – Sept 1, 2021