ADHD CME for Primary Care Professionals

This ADHD in Adults program is very exciting to us for a number of reasons.

First, it’s a groundbreaking campaign where we can educate all kinds of health professionals about the realities of ADHD, the treatment protocols we know that work, and the medications and other kinds of modalities that help make ADHD patients successful.

We’ve got the participation of the best clinicians and researchers in the country, who are taking part in educating healthcare professionals about this adult ADHD disorder. They’ll be bringing us the latest information and updates.

We’re also using the latest technologies that help you as practitioners learn about adult ADHD. You’ll benefit from videos, from group updates, from emails, and you’ll really be able to take this information into your practice so that you can best change your practice behaviors and help your ADHD patients.

We’re looking to build a leadership-base of physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, who want to take out this new research and information about ADHD and bring it to their patients for the benefit not only of the patients, but the millions of people who are around them.

We have fertile ground now in the treatment of ADHD. We have the research that proves it exists, we have the medications and treatment modalities that are successful. All we need now is to get the information out there so that everyone can benefit.

Join us in our information and educational program at We will be helping over ten million adults and, as I mentioned before, everyone who supports them. Thank you.

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